The Rescue
Author:  Ryna
Pairing: Willow/Spike
Rating: PG
Disclaimer:  All characters belong to Joss. I am not Joss. I just decided to play with Spike and Willow. They were calling out my name! Please, don't sue me. :)
Distribution: This is actually my first fan fiction. I can't imagine anyone actually WANTING my work, but if you do, could you please email me? I'd like to be able to visit my baby.
Spoilers : Glances around, hoping not to be shot - To be honest, I haven't seen anything beyond season 2. I didn't start watching Buffy until it was in reruns on Fox. I got addicted, missed an episode, went looking for the script and . Found fan fiction! Imagine my disappointment as I surfed the net and realized that after all those wonderful Spike/Willow fics that the Spike/Willow pairing really didn't happen on the show. *pouts*
Author's note: Thoughts are encased in <>'s. And, I don't have a beta reader, so any and all feedback would be appreciated.

~Part One~

Willow switched on the radio in her room, and smiled as some Tori Amos music filled the air. Tara, her ex girlfriend, had loved Tori, and she in turn had infected Willow with its goodness. The Little Earthquakes CD was the one thing she had of Tara, once the girl had broken up with her and moved on to a new lover. Tara and Willow had promised to stay friends, but the flames that had started in the beginning of their relationship just weren't there anymore. They had grown apart, and Willow had sadly decided it was for the best. It had wigged out her friends that she was seeing a woman. Also, she dreaded her parents ever finding out. They had broken up a few weeks ago. It was for the best, or so she kept repeating to herself.

Willow was spending the weekend at her parents house, so Buffy and her man could spend some "quality time" in the dorms. Buffy hadn't asked her to, but she had offered, and Buffy was so thrilled with the idea that she quickly agreed. Willow was glad really. Being around Buffy and Xander with their significant others had quickly become stale over the past weeks and Willow wanted some time to clear her thoughts.

Willow plopped down in front of her laptop, and switched it on. Soon, a happy little humming sound from her computer accompanied the music. <Ah, nothing like a little rest and relaxation from it all.> Willow thought as she started surfing the web aimlessly.

Willow was brought out of her computer-induced trance by the phone ringing an hour later. She stretched, and answered the phone crossly wondering who it was disturbing her well-deserved peace.

"Hello?" She answered, trying not to sound to cranky.

"Willow?" Asked a voice from the other end of the phone.

"Buffy?" Asked Willow in surprise. "Buffy what's wrong?"

"Its Spike." Said Buffy through the muffled static of her cell phone. "We found him in an alley on our way home from the movies. He's damaged pretty bad. Your house is the closest, can we bring him there?" She asked over the phone.

"Of course Buffy. I'll get my bandages and supplies ready while I'm waiting for you."

"Good, we're only a block away from your house. We'll be there in a few."

Willow hung up the phone and thanked the goddess that her parents were gone, as usual. She didn't know exactly what was wrong with Spike, so she started gathering up her parent's first aid kid, as well as a few "extras" from her magic supplies. She brought everything into the living room then ran up the stairs to grab a blanket out of the guest room <Just in case he's in shock> Willow thought to herself.

Buffy and Riley bardged into Willow's house without knocking, and they dragged an unconscious vampire in between them. Willow's eyes widened when she saw Spike's condition. He was beaten and bleeding. Willow spread a sheet over the couch as Buffy and Riley settled him onto it.

"What happened?" Willow asked, as she took stock of the multitude of cuts and bruises on Spike.

"We don't know Willow, we just found him like this." Buffy replied tersely.  "We couldn't bring him to the emergency room, and your house was the closest."

Willow stared at Spike, and then ran a hand over his head. "I think he got knocked in the back of the head pretty hard." She muttered, almost to herself. "He could have a concussion, and he looks like he lost a lot of blood. Buffy, go to Willy's and make him give you some blood." Buffy nodded, and shot out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

"Riley can you pass those ace bandages, then go get me some warm water?" Willow asked, as she carefully pulled Spike's tattered shirt up and over his head.

Riley nodded and smiled as he did what he was told. Willow had a way of taking over a situation when things were bad. He wondered if anyone else noticed that about her.

Willow sucked in her breath and bit her lip as she examined the cuts and scrapes Spike had acquired all over his body. One cut, on his chest, ran deep, and she was sure that normally it would need stitches.

She grabbed cloth, and pressed the wound together then slowly chanted a spell under her breath. Riley watched her as her hands began to glow, and Spike's cut started to heal.

"I couldn't let him loose anymore blood from that cut." Willow explained as she finished and then started cleaning the other cuts. "It was the deepest of all of them."

"Do you think he'll be ok?" Riley asked as Willow put ointment on Spike.

"I don't know, whoever did this did a good number on him." She whispered as she worked.

Buffy raced back into the house, carrying a large brown paper bag. She skidded to a halt in front of Spike, and grabbed a bag of blood. Willow flinched as Buffy made a cut in the bag and acted like she was going to feed it to Spike cold.

"Not like that!" Willow shouted, making Buffy jump. "You of all people should know vamps hate cold blood." Willow yanked the bag away from Buffy and walked quickly into the kitchen. She pored the blood into a large mug <Glad my father isn't around to see me using his special mug> she thought as she heated the blood. <What he doesn't know, won't hurt him.>

Willow brought the mug back into the living room, and pressed it to Spike's lips, hoping natural reaction would take care of the rest. When Spike didn't respond, she opened his mouth and gently pored the blood down his throat. His automatic refluxes kicked in, and he swallowed.

"Good Spikey." Willow stroked his forehead as he drank. He finished the cup without waking up, and Willow covered him up with the blanket. <Spike looks as angelic as a child while he's sleeping> She thought fondly. <Wait a minute this is Spike! There's no angelic about him!>

"So, um, Buff, can I ask why you saved your worst enemy?" Willow asked. "Not that I'm upset about you saving him, because even though he's your enemy he's not mine, but still it IS kind of surprising."

"I couldn't exactly leave him out there." Buffy muttered as she pushed a strand of hair away from her face. "I was shocked when I saw him in that alley. He looked so.vulnerable.  Besides, he's been helping us, hasn't he?"

"Why don't you just admit Spike's become one of your friends and get it over with, Buff." Willow grinned.

Buffy made a face and smiled slightly back at Willow.

Willow glanced at the time and realized that it was well past two am.

"Its getting late guys." She said. "Maybe you two should call it a night. I can watch Spike. I'll call you when he wakes up."

Buffy glanced worriedly at Riley. She was tired and wanted to sleep, but she wasn't sure if she should leave her best friend alone with a vampire.

"Think its okay hun?" She asked him.

"They should be fine." Riley answered. "He's not loosing anymore blood, and he can't hurt her because of the chip. Even if he didn't have the chip he'd be to weak to do anything."

"Ok then, we're going to go back to the dorms and get some rest." Buffy said to Willow.  "I'll call in the morning and check on his condition. There should be enough blood in that paper bag to last him a couple of days."

"No problem guys, get some sleep, I plan on it myself." Willow said yawning as she walked them to the door.

Buffy stopped in the doorway and eyed Willow one last time. "Are you sure your alright with Spike alone?" She asked. "I could sleep over."

"Buffy, we're ok. He's injured, and weak as a day old kitten. What harm could he be?" Willow asked as she gave Buffy a hug and pushed her out the door. "I can't wait to find out what caused this though."

"Me either." Buffy grinned. "Give us the dirt when he wakes up would you?"

"No problem."  Willow grinned and closed the door behind Buffy.

Willow went upstairs, changed into her pajamas, and brought her pillow and her blanket back downstairs with her. She didn't want to leave Spike alone, but she was so tired, so she figured she'd sleep on the floor beside the couch. That way, if Spike woke up, she'd hear him. She settled down on the floor, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

~Part Two~

Spike woke up all at once. The first thing he noticed was that his head was pounding. The second thing he noticed was the sound of a heartbeat close by. He looked down and saw the redheaded witch that ran with the Slayer's crew.

"Bloody hell." He whispered. <What am I doing on Red's couch?> He asked himself <Last thing I remember was being beat up by that gang of humans. Damned idiots were looking for sport, and found it in a vampire that can't defend himself.> He cursed once again at the chip in his head. Spike sat up and groaned, then winced as Red's eyes flew open.

"Sorry Red, didn't mean to wake you up." He said.

"Spike!" Willow sat up and looked at him. "Lay back down, your hurt."

"What the hell am I doing here, pet?" Spike asked as he obediently laid his head back down on the pillow.

"Buffy and Riley found you last night in an alley." Willow said. "My house was the closest. What the heck happened last night?"

"Bunch of bloody humans looking for a bit o'sport, luv. Just their luck they found the one bloody vampire who couldn't fight back."

Willow winced, knowing that Spike was irritated because of the chip in his head. She almost felt bad for the guy, loosing his "bite" after so many years of being a big mean vampire. <A big mean vampire who ate little girls for lunch, Wills.> She reminded herself. <And your calmly letting him stay on your couch.>

"Let me look at that cut, Spike." Willow said, as she got up on her knees. "How does your head feel?"

"Like I drank way to much last night." Spike muttered. He felt Willow's heartbeat speed up as she leaned in and took the bandage off his chest. <Cor, she smells like strawberries.> He thought.

"Well, I don't know what you drank, but there sure is a big lump on the back of your head." Willow said. She carefully set the bandage on the bed beside Spike, and touched the healing cut with the tip of her finger. The cut was healing faster than she expected.

A small thrill went through Spike as Willow touched him, and he drew in an unnecessary breath.

"I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?" Willow asked, confusion evident in her eyes.

"No, pet, that didn't hurt." Spike said, watching her carefully. "Felt rather good in fact."

Willow blushed, and lowered her eyes away from his face and back down to his chest. <He is so beautiful. Those eyes! Those lips! And, he's so helpless right now.>

<I wonder what she'd do if I kissed her?> Spike thought as he looked into her amazing green eyes. He watched the conflict of emotions play over Red's face, and decided. <She'd probably scream, then call the bloody slayer and have him staked. Not just anyone got to kiss Red. No, it had to be someone pretty damn special, or no one at all. Not like slutty the slayer. No sir.>

"I'm going to get the ointment for your chest." Willow said quietly as she rose to her feet and walked to the bathroom. Spike admired the view as she walked away. <How come I never noticed she has a nice ass?> He wondered to himself. <To busy keeping my eyes on the other idiots and watching my back.>

Willow tried to gather herself as she grabbed the healing ointment from the bathroom. <I wonder if he notices how flustered he makes me. He's so damn handsome and he doesn't even realize it! > Willow sighed before she headed back to the living room. <Stop your drooling girl. He'd never notice little ol' Will. Hell, he can't even get your name right. Its always "pet", "red", "witch". I'd love to hear him say my name just once.>

"I'm going to sit on the couch beside you Spike." Willow said, then proceeded to sit.

"I promise not to bite." Spike said, flashing a grin. "Well, unless you ask me too."

Willow blushed. <Damn, why am I always blushing!>

"I don't plan on asking you to bite me anytime soon." She said, taking the cap off the ointment and putting some in her hands. She rubbed it with her fingers to warm it up, then rubbed two long fingers down the cut. <His skin is so cold> she thought. <Duh, Willow, he's a vampire!>

Spike closed his eyes, enjoying the gentle ministrations of his witch. Her warm fingers soothed the pain away. <To bad I can't claim her as mine> He
thought to himself. He groaned at the thought of being able to bite that beautiful neck of hers.

"What's wrong?" Willow asked. Spike opened his eyes to see her brows furrowed together with worry.

"My head is killing, pet."

"Would you like me to rub your temples?" Willow asked Spike, her voice no more than a whisper. "Oz always said it helped when he had headaches."

Spike winced, thinking of Willow's hands on anyone else, did some strange things to him. He wanted her. but he knew that he didn't deserve her. She was too pure, this girl, and deserved someone far better than a vampire without a bite.

"That'd be lovely pet." He answered watching her as her hands glided up his chest, over his face and to his temples. Willow's green eyes gazed at him as she rubbed small circles on his temples.

"Ah, right there." He said huskily as she settled into a soothing rhythm. Her face was inches away from his, and she was biting that glorious lower lip. <I wish I dared kiss her. When the hell did I fall in like with this witch?> He asked himself. <I won't call it love, not yet, but damn, there's such potential!>

Willow gazed at Spike's face as she attempted to sooth his headache. <His face is so beautiful.> She thought to herself.<A girl could get lost in those eyes forever.>

"Thank you for helping me, Willow." Spike said softly as her hands continued their soothing motion on his forehead. "I don't know anyone else who would of done this much for me."

"Nonsense, Spike!" Willow said sharply at him. "We all care about you in one form or another. or well, we all would hate to see you hurt. Why else would Buffy bring you hear?"

"Because she couldn't be bothered to take care of me herself?" Spike shrugged looking away from Willow's intense gaze.

"Spike! She couldn't very well bring a strange man into the dorms, there would have been to many questions! And, I was closest."

Spike lowered his eyes slightly. "But still. that's beside the point. Thank you pet, for not leaving me outside to die last night."

Willow blushed. <A bloodsucking fiend is thanking ME!>

"Your welcome Spike." She said, slowly taking her fingers away from his temples. "You can stay here as long as you need to."

Willow let her fingers trail down Spikes face, and across his lips, almost without realizing what she was doing. <His lips are so soft.> She thought. <I wonder what he'd do if I kissed them.>

Spike felt her trembling fingers on his lips and he couldn't help himself. He covered her hand with his own, and kissed her fingertips lightly.

Willow jumped at the shock of Spike kissing her fingers and hastily backed away from the couch. She grabbed up some of her herbs.

"I'm not suppose to be flirting with the enemy." She babbled breathlessly as she backed away from the couch. "I'm going to go make you a soothing cup of tea. Yes, that's what I'll do. Tea. For the vampire. Who's on my couch. Who just kissed my fingers?!" Willow twirled, and ran out of the room into the kitchen.

"Aww, bloody hell!" Spike swore then sighed wishfully. <I scared her away.>

~Part Three~

Willow collapsed against the counter in the kitchen, her mind racing. <He kissed my fingers!> She thought in amazement raising her fingers to her lips and smiling. <I can't believe how soft his lips are.> Willow turned, and started making a special herbal tea to help sooth Spike's headache.

Spike grumbled angrily to himself. <Stupid Git, you knew that she was shy. Why didn't you just say thank you and be done with it.> He accused himself. <She smelled so good.> The other half of his mind whispered. <Your lucky you just kissed her fingers - I wanted to take Red right there.> Spike shook his head. <You might as well invite the slayer over to stake you now and be done with it.>

Willow returned to the living room with the tea. She was a picture of calm on the outside, but her insides was a chaos of confused feelings. <Why am I so attracted to an evil demon?> She asked herself. <He's nothing but trouble.> <He's the kind of trouble you wouldn't mind having, Rosenburg.> The other half of her mind whispered. <Shhhh. stop it!> She screamed inside her head. <He doesn't think of me like that! I'm just gonna have more heartache if I continue this vein of thought.>

Willow gave Spike the tea, and he sipped at it, his face set into an unreadable expression.

"I'm going to go call Buffy, and let her know that you're awake." Willow said quietly. "Then I'll heat you up some blood."

"Thanks luv." Spike responded. <So, the bloody slayer's a bit worried after all.> He was surprised. Most of the time Slutty only thought of herself.

Willow ran lightly up the stairs, and collapsed on her bed, breathless. She picked up the phone, and quickly dialed the dorm's number.

"Hello?" A sleepy sounding Buffy asked.

"Heya Buff, I just wanted to let you know that Spike's awake. He's weak, but he seems to be alright."

"Good!" Buffy exclaimed in relieve. "I was worried about him. Did he say what happened?"

"I guess some humans jumped him, and he couldn't fight back, because of the chip and all." Willow replied, absentmindedly twirling the phone cord
between her fingers. "He seems to be healing well. I'm gonna offer to let him stay here a couple days until he's better."

"That's a good idea Wills." Buffy said. "Listen, I have to go train. But, I'll be by later to see Spike and make sure you don't need anything."

"Thanks Buff." Willow said.

"Later Wills."

"Bye Buffy."

Willow threw on some jeans and a tee shirt, then walked downstairs with a brush in her hands. She heated up some blood for Spike (In her father's
favorite mug again.) And brought it to him in the living room. Spike was lounged across the couch, watching the television.

Willow set the mug down in front of Spike, who awarded her efforts with a smile and a nod of thanks. She settled down in the chair, and slowly started working the knots out of her hair. Spike watched her with half lidded eyes, and chuckled as she winced when she hit a knot.

"I use to brush Dru's hair all the time." He said. "She hated having to get the knots out herself."

Willow paused in her brushing, then looked up at the vampire.

"What was it like, living with Dru and Angel back then?" Willow asked.

"An adventure." Spike answered, closing his eyes for a moment. "One never knew what to expect when those two were around. Kept me on my toes."

Spike opened his eyes and looked at Willow. "Want me to brush your hair?" He offered. "It's the least I can do after all you've done for me."

Willow hesitated. Did she really trust Spike being behind her. He might hit her over the head with her hairbrush, or something. Still, she LOVED someone else playing with her hair.

"Alright." She replied.

Willow got up out of the chair, and sat down on the floor in front of Spike. Spike sat up, and put his legs on either side of Willow. He took the brush from her, and slowly began stroking her hair with it. The combination of his hands and the brush on her hair was more soothing than Willow ever expected them to be. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his cool fingers, and the way they made her body tingle. She felt the brush tug slightly, and he muttered, "Sorry luv didn't see that one." As he used his fingers and the brush to expertly detangle her hair.

"I could get use to this." Willow sighed, as Spike put down the brush, and continued running his fingers through her silky hair.

<So could I.> Spike thought silently, as he let his fingers sweep her hair away from her delicious neck. He piled her hair up on her head and looked at it thoughtfully.

"Pet, can I ask you something?" He said quietly.

"Sure Spike. As long as you keep doing whatever it is your doing." Willow murmured contently.

Spike grinned then asked. "Luv, why is it you never wear your hair up? You have a lovely neck, and your hair would look like a crown piled high on your head. You'd be even more beautiful than you already are."

Willow opened up her eyes, leaned her head back and looked up at Spike. <He wants to discuss hairstyles. Wait a minute, he called me beautiful!>

"Did you just call me beautiful?" She asked out loud. "I'm not beautiful." She continued. "Buffy, Faith, and Cordy are all beautiful. I'm just a little plain
mouse." She trailed off, confused at the look in Spike's eyes. He looked angry. At her? Why? She was only stating the truth.

"Willow, luv, don't ever let me hear you call yourself a mouse again." He ordered, taping the tip of her nose with his finger. "Your bloody gorgeous you just don't display it properly."

Willow looked at Spike, her eyes full of disbelief. "Your kidding right?" She asked once again. "Spike this is me! You don't have to lie to me! I'm not
anyone special. Not everyone has to be beautiful. I don't mind not being pretty." She ended.

"That's it!" Spike growled at her angrily. "Not another word out of you! If I have to SHOW you what I mean, I will!"

Spike stood up and pulled Willow to her feet.

"Where's your bedroom Red?" He asked her harshly. "I'm going to show you what you've been hiding."

"What are you doing?" Willow cried out, as Spike grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the stairs. Even though he had reciently been beat up, Spike was still twice as strong as Willow.

"I'm giving you a makeover." Spike snarled at her. "Hell girl, you don't do yourself justice. So shut up, and come on."

~Part Four~

Willow sat Indian style on her bed as Spike made his way through her closet looking at his clothes. Spike had, for some reason, taken offence to Willow declaring that she wasn't pretty, and was determined to give her a make over.

"Don't you have anything that doesn't look like it belongs to a twelve year old? Spike growled as he stalked out of his closet and looked at her.

"That is all the clothing I own." Willow squeaked.

Spike turned and pulled open the door of her bedroom.

"Where are you going Spike?" Willow asked, following him.

"To see what type of clothing your mother owns, pet." Spike answered. "You're a grown woman, not a little girl. You should display yourself as one."

Willow blushed at the complement. <My mother's gonna KILL me> She thought, as Spike entered her parent's bedroom and started pushing through the hangers in the closet. Willow never, ever set foot in the sanctuary of her parents' room. It was decidedly off limits, had been since she was out of diapers. Once when she and Xander were five she had snuck in while playing hide and seek. She had been grounded from seeing him for three long, torturous days. That had killed any curiosity she ever had about that room. A life without Xander, was no life at all.

Spike sorted through her mother's belongings, and pulled out a silk, cream-colored tank top. Willow recognized as one of the shirts her mother normally wore underneath her blazers. Next, Spike grabbed a plum, a-line styled skirt and held it up to Willow thoughtfully.

"Does she have matching shoes?" He asked.

Willow nodded and rummaged around for her mother's plum colored heals. Spike snagged a gold chain out of her mother's jewelry box as they exited the room.

Spike sat Willow down at her desk, and did her hair high up in some complicated coils. He had learned a lot of different hairstyles while taking care of Drucilla, and he enjoyed having a chance to style Red's hair the way it should be done. He slipped the last bobby pin in place, and sprayed Willow's hair with hairspray.  He then started in on Willow's face, delicately painting it as if it was a work of art. And, to be honest, in his mind it was.

"Get dressed." Spike ordered, giving Willow a small shove towards her bathroom. "And, don't look in the mirror until you come out. I want you to see the full effect."

"Mom's gonna kill me." Willow muttered as she stood still.

"And I'm gonna rip your throat out if you don't go change. Now go." Spike ordered gruffly. Willow scampered into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Spike chuckled as he sat down at Willow's desk. The excursion had taken a bit more out of him that he wanted to admit, but it was worth it to see the chit's face as he rummaged through her mother's things. <Oh the fear in Red's eyes! You'd think she never rifled through her mother's belongings before, not even to play dress up!> He just hoped she didn't realize how weak he was, and send him scampering back to the couch.

Willow slid the nylons up her legs, and then carefully buttoned the skirt. She made sure the skirt was lined right, and then carefully put on the silk
tank top. <Good thing the top is a bit big, otherwise I'd of messed up my hair.> She still couldn't believe she was wearing her MOTHER'S clothing. <I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die when they get home from the conference.> Finally, Willow slid the long gold rope necklace over her head. She was a bit uncomfortable when she noticed that the chain ended right between her breasts. <No wonder mom never bothered to wear this particular
necklace. It brings the eye right to the boob. Great. Spike's going to be looking at my breasts.> Willow sighed. Willow ran a hand over the tank top to smooth out the material, and then nervously opened the door into her bedroom.

Spike gazed at Willow from her computer chair as she entered the room. The outfit had worked better than he expected, considering that all Willow's mom wore was stuffy, businesslike clothing. With the makeup, and Willow's hair up, Willow looked a few years older than what she really was.

"Absolutely good enough to eat." Spike smiled, his blue eyes sparkling at Willow. "Don't tell me. You just dressed me up so you could drain me dry!" Willow laughed.

"Now luv, why would I want to drain such a lovely woman dry?" Spike grinned. "I do, however want you to take a look at the real Willow in the mirror, luv. See what you've been hiding."

Willow stopped suddenly and gazed at Spike. "You actually used my name." She whispered, surprised. "Will wonders never cease?"

Spike stopped, a bit surprised at himself. He never called anyone by his or her names normally. He didn't care about them enough to.

"I suppose I did." He said with a hint of shyness.

It was the first time Willow had ever seen Spike shy. She hid the smile that she wanted to give.

"Can I look now?" Willow asked shyly.

"Of course, pet." Spike grinned, and led her to a full-length mirror. "Your in for a surprise. And if I ever hear you say you aren't beautiful after this I'll
have a vampire kidnap you!"

"Been there, done that." Willow replied flippantly. She looked in the mirror, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Is that REALLY Me?" She asked. "What did you do?"

"I just brought out the woman that was hiding underneath the baby clothes, luv." Spike smiled fondly, as he moved in close to Willow. He cupped the back of her neck with his cool hand and whispered in her ear, "I dare you to tell me that you don't like how you look."

Willow licked her lips nervously as she stood face to face with Spike. His intense blue eyes were gazing deep into her own, and a cocky smile was flickering across his lips. His cool hand was at the back of her neck, making her feel goosebumps that weren't entirely unpleasant.

"You can dress up a little, drab mouse in bright clothing." Willow said softly to Spike trying to keep her voice even. "But, underneath it all, she's still
just a drab, little mouse. The clothes are wonderful, I love what you did with the makeup, but, goddess Spike, I'm still just plain, drab, little ol'me."

"Damn you, girl." Spike growled at Willow and his eyes flashed yellow with anger. "'Do you really think I'd show this much interest in you if you were a drab mouse?" He paused, trying to control his anger, and his face slipped back into human form. He tried to keep s speech even, his words soothing. It was so damn difficult to get through to Red. There was only one-way left. He took a deep, unneeded breath and said "Listen, Red, do you think that I'd want you as much as I do if you were drab and mousy? You know I have good taste, Dru was quite a looker after all." <Even
if she was a bit crazy. Ok, who are we kidding, a LOT crazy> "I've wanted you for a long, long time Red." He continued, watching as a confused expression flickered across her face. "I just never had a chance to show it. First you were with Oz, and then that Tara chick."

He moved in even closer to Willow, who hadn't said a word to him since he started. His eyes gazed into hers, trying to read the expression on her face, and his lips were inches from hers. He wanted to kiss her, but was unsure of how she'd react.

"You really want me?" Willow asked, her lips curving in a small smile. "No one's ever "wanted" me before. They always put me on a pedestal, to be admired, and petted."

Spike felt Willow's arm lift and slowly come to rest on his waist.

"I want you." He whispered huskily. "I want to do things to you that you've only dreamed of. You are sexy, beautiful, amazing, and dog-boy and the wiccan were fools to let you go."

Willows other hand flew up to his head, and she pulled him down for a deep, passionate and searing kiss. His eyes flew open in surprise, and then he
settled down to doing what he did best. His tongue danced with hers as his hands roamed her body freely. <She needs to breathe> He reminded himself firmly and reluctantly separated his lips from hers.

"Remind me to thank Buffy and Riley for bringing you here after they rescued you." Willow said to Spike, an impish smile flickering across her face.

"But, who will rescue you from me?" Spike asked with a grin. "Especially now that I've bared my heart to you and told you how much I want you."

"Who said I wanted to be rescued?" Willow answered.

Spike smiled, and pulled her into another kiss.

The End

read the sequal 'Mixed Results'
